Beeswift Environmental Policy
The Management Team of Beeswift Limited is fully aware of the possible impacts their activities could have upon the environment and of their obligation to protect the health and safety of their employees.
We are committed to a process of continual improvement and the protection of the environment including prevention of pollution: in doing so we fulfil our compliance obligations and those requirements which relate to our environmental aspects.
The company will continually improve their environmental performance by publishing objectives and improvement targets for updated environmental practices. The company will work toward these objectives, improvements and targets with action plans which are reviewed at regular intervals and where possible conserve natural resources through waste minimisation, reclamation, re-cycling and other appropriate methods.
Environmental Training is provided to all employees according to job description and initiatives that contribute improvements to work methods, environmental safety at work, at home and in the local community, are fully encouraged.
The co-operation of suppliers and sub-contractors in recognising their environmental and health & safety responsibilities when supplying goods or services is sought at all times.
The company also operates in compliance with all relevant United Kingdom, Environmental Legislation, Regulations and Codes of Practice and is committed to do so as these statutes develop over time.
Finally, this Environmental Policy Statement shall be reviewed annually, is included in the complete ISO-14001:2015 Environmental Management System, is displayed on relevant notice boards and is made available to interested stakeholders, employees or members of the public as requested.
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- Print Name: D J GRIFFIN
Chief Financial Officer
On behalf of Gerber Goldschmidt Group (UK) Limited, Beeswift Limited and Beeswift BV -

- Print Name: D R Washbourne
Chief Commercial Officer
On behalf of Gerber Goldschmidt Group (UK) Limited, Beeswift Limited and Beeswift BV -

- Print Name: B Baldwin
Chief Operations Officer
On behalf of Gerber Goldschmidt Group (UK) Limited, Beeswift Limited and Beeswift BV - Date: 18.01.2023